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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

For Sale: 10079 Pair of New Bo Bonds Sunflower Loop Back Conchos SOLD #84892
Posted by: mustfish [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $90 (price includes shipping)
City: Canyon [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 806-488-2572(office) or 806-290-5399(cell)

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This is a pair of loop back conchos made by Bo Bonds. They are marked Bonds Made. Bo is retired from making bits and spurs. He is listed in the Modern Makers book by Ned and Jody Martin and has been featured in many magazines. The conchos are cast out of white bronze and have a yellow tint to them. These could be used on a headstall or a pair of spur straps.

Measurements: Diameter 2 ¼’, Loop Back Strap Width ¾”

Payment: We accept credit cards over the phone, PayPal, cashier’s check, check, or money order as payment. Or click here to check out on our website or see more pictures:

Contact Information: Call 806-488-2572 Call or Text 806-290-5399, email: (the “ask seller a question” link does not work so please email directly to this email address)

Shipping: The price includes USPS priority shipping with tracking anywhere in the upper 48 United States. Please contact us for the international shipping rate for your country. Payments received before 1PM Central time Monday through Friday ship the same day excluding postal holidays. Payments received after 1PM ship the next business day. We provide you with the tracking number so you can track your shipment.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or would like to see additional pictures. Thank you for looking and click here to see our other items:

Posted 12-22-17
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Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

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