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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Heritage Livestock - Winter Select Sale
RanchWorld FAQs

How much does it cost to place a classified ad?
1. Horse, Cattle, Dog & Real Estate Ads are $35.00 and include 5 photos and 1 Video. All other Ads are $10.00 and includes 5 photos - There are No Free Ads.
2. We offer “Optional” ad options like Featured Ad, YouTube Video, which are additional fees.

How much do banner ads cost?
1. Banners are priced by size and type
2. Click Here to see banner prices

How do I Place a Classified Ad?
1. Create an account – to create an account we will ask you for your email address, and what you want your User Name to be, and What you want your Password to be.
2. Login to your account.
3. Click on “Post a Classified”
4. Click on the Category you wish to list your item in.
5. Fill in your ad information on the ad form.
6. Click Process
7. Follow the instructions*
8. When you click the “Make Payment Now” Button you will be directed to PayPal to pay for your ad(s). Note: You do not need a PayPal account to pay with PayPal.
9. After you pay for your ad, it will go live on the website.

My Ad Expiration Date is 1969
1. If your ad has an Expiration Date of 1969 at some point your device lost contact with the server while you were posting your ad. If the Expiration date is not corrected by 12 am Eastern standard time your ad will automatically delete itself.
2. To insure we catch this and correct the date before the ad expires, please text our office at 602-284-1414 with your ad Number and 1969.

Duplicate Ads
1. Duplicate ads are caused by clicking multiple times on the “Process Button” when posting an ad.
2. When we Audit Ads, we will delete the duplicate ad(s). If you were charged for the duplicate ads, we will refund that charge when we Audit the PayPal against the current active ads.

Pictures Sideways (Not Right Side Up)
1. Sideways or upside-down pictures can be caused by many things the most common being the orientation of the device that you are using to take the pic.
2. To Correct while taking the image make sure device is orientated the same way for every photo. Note: If all photos are upside down turn your camera, phone, tablet upside down from the way you last held it and see if that corrects the problem.
3. To Correct the problem after you have uploaded your images to the website, go into your device’s files find the images you need to correct, click on the image, click edit image, rotate photo to the correct orientation then crop slightly and resave image, re upload to your ad the new image file of saved image.

My Photos Did Not Load - There are three major reasons that a photo does not load.
1. File to large.
2. All photos you are trying to load have the same File Name.
3. Files are not Jpg Files.

Photo shows as Red X
1. The reason that a photo does not load and appears as a red X is because there are symbols in File Name such as _#&* and so on. To correct this, rename photo file names with names containing only numbers or letters.

Photos show as Black Box
1. The reason that a photo does not load and appears as a black box is because the Files are Png or Bitmap. All files must be saved as Jpg or Jpeg.

YouTube Video Not Working - The reasons your YouTube video is not working
1. You did not load your http: address properly
2. You did not choose "Yes" on the "Include YouTube video in your online ad"
3. Your YouTube Video Setting is set to Private

Can I just tell people to go to YouTube or Call or Text to view my video?
1. does not allow any YouTube links in the text portion of ads. It also does not allow Call for Video, Contact for Video, Video Available, see our video on YouTube or any other website.

How to Get on Facebook
1. We take the ads with the Best Pictures and All of the Job Ads and All of the Cattle Ads and Share them to the RanchWorldAds Facebook Page.
2. We share ads on Facebook and Pintrest we do this Free of Charge at the present time.
3. To have a chance of getting on an ad on the RanchWorldAds Facebook Page you must first post your ad to the Website.

1. We are continually reconciling PayPal Payments with the actual ads on the RanchWorldAds website. We refund all ads that we have deleted because of their failure to meet with our websites Rules or Policies. We refund all duplicate deleted ads along with any ads that are missing when we reconcile the payments.

Amount Charged to High
1. Check to see if you posted the same ad multiple times. This occurs when you click the process button multiple times. To correct this, go to "Your Account" page and see how many current ads you have listed. Any ads that are not paid for will have the option to the right of them to cancel the ad. Click the Cancel link on each extra duplicate ad you do not want.

How do I Edit my Ad?
1. Make sure you are logged into your account, then go to your account page where you will see your current ads. To the right of your ads, you will see the words "edit" and "mark sold". Make sure you click "edit", then make the changes you would like to your ad. For the changes to take effect you must click the "process" button at the bottom of the ad form.

Page Freezes
1. If you filled out the ad form and clicked the "process" button and you skipped filling in one of the blank boxes you will have to start all over from scratch and post a new ad. Make sure you fill in all blank entries before clicking the "process" button.
2. If you did fill in all of the blank ad form entries but your page still freezes, make sure you check your internet connection and check "Your Account" page to see if the ad processed and is pending for payment. If you still have trouble, email us at

How do I Mark Ads Sold?
1. Make sure you are logged into your account, then go to your account page where you will see your current ads. To the right of your ads, you will see the words "edit" and "mark sold". Make sure you click "mark sold".

How do I mark Position Filled?
1. Make sure you are logged into your account, then go to your account page where you will see your current ads. To the right of your ads, you will see the words "edit" and "mark position filled". Make sure you click "mark position filled".

Can see Ad Previews but Cannot See actual Ads
1. If you can view the ad previews but cannot view the actual ads when you click on them, it is your Pop-Up Blocker settings. It seems that recently some devices (phones, Tablets, Laptops, desktop computers) that run updates reset some of the factory settings on the devices, this includes peoples Pop Up Blocker settings. Pop up Blockers set to full strength will not allow you to view ads on the RanchWorldAds website.
2. To find out how to fix your Pop-Up Blocker settings on your device go to YouTube and search change Pop Up blocker settings and your device type.

Login Problem Tips
1. Username & Password are Both Case Sensitive.
2. You Must type in Captcha letters. The Captcha letters are also case sensitive.
3. You are only going to type in 3 Captcha letters they are the Black ones.
4. Write down your User Name and Password somewhere in case you forget it.
5. Sometimes after updates the auto fill for user name and password my not be correct. They may often have a space behind the last character of the User Name or Password.

Is RanchWorldAds Safe & Secure - Yes
1. is secure. All protocols are in place to ensure your safety while using the site. RanchWorldAds does not ask for (collect) any personal or payment information. All payments for ads are through PayPal.

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Stormy Kromer Original Kromer Cap - Winter Wool Hat with Earflap

We at are working every day to be your Ranch Classifieds, and the very best place for you to buy or sell Quarter Horses, Paint Horses, Ranch Horses, Rope Horses, Rodeo Horses, Barrel Horses, Cutting Horses, Reining Horses, Cow Horses, not to mention Alfalfa Hay, Timothy Hay, Bermuda Hay, Cattle, Cattle Ranches, Horse Ranches, or Sell a livestock Brand, or just find a Ranch Job.