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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado Horse Sale

Trailers for Sale: Easley 6.8x22 SOLD #82072
Posted by: 3lranch [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $7500.00 O.B.O
City: liberal [see other ads in this city]
State: Kansas [see other ads in this state]
Model: 6.8X22
Year: 2007
Length: 20
Phone #: 620-482-2871

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NICE EASLEY STOCK TRAILER, SMALL AMOUNTS OF RUST ON THE TRAILER. GOOD TIRES, RUMBAR FLOOR WITH RUBBER MATS.SOLID CENTER GATE, SLIDING REAR GATE, 2- 7,000 lb. axles, 14 ply tires and spare, 2 inch hot shot gap, If your interested or have any questions please feel free to email, text, or call at 620-482-2871

Posted 10-16-17
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