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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Trailers for Sale: New Neckover 32x6.8 Stock Trailer SOLD #65791
Posted by: mattmc [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $15,800.00
City: Damascus [see other ads in this city]
State: Arkansas [see other ads in this state]
Make: Neckover
Model: 32x6.8 stock trailer
Year: 2016
Length: 32
Phone #: 501-733-3551

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New 2016 Neckover 32x6.8 stock trailer, trailer is black with gray tarp, rec tubing sides, channel neck, rubber cleated floor, walk out door on passenger side, cuts are 8,8,8,&8, 17.5 wheels, 18 ply tires, rear light bar with load lights, 3-7k torsion axles with brakes, spare, removable cut gate at 4-8, inside lights, butterfly gates in rear. Delivery and financing available for extra. More inventory in stock. For more information, call 501-733-3551.

Posted 09-23-16
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