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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Schaff Angus Valley

Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 50 - F1 Baldy Heifer Pairs – ai’d to GAR Ranch Home Team cows come from Van Newkirk bloodlines - Kansas SOLD #192523
Posted by: willranch [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $3,900.00
City: Pratt [see other ads in this city]
State: Kansas [see other ads in this state]
Number for Sale: 50
Age Cows: 2
Weight Cows: 925-950
Bred Back To: Ai’d GAR Ranch Home Team
# of Calves at Side: will be 50
Age Calves at Side: not born
Weight Calves at Side: no
Sell Part or All: Qty truck loads or all
Phone #: 307-680-4595

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HP121A5 50 F1 Baldy Heifer Pairs – ai’d to GAR Ranch Home Team cows come from Van Newkirk bloodlines!

Total Hd: 50

Cattle Breed: Black Baldy;Black Angus

Cattle Age: 2

Calving Date: 2/1/2025-2/28/2025

Bull Info: Ai’d GAR Ranch Home Team

Cow Weight: 925-950

Home Raised: No

Disposition: Average

Program: August Vira shield 6 vl5 poured with ivermectin and dectomax

Located near Pratt KS

These heifers weigh 925–950 lbs and are ai’d to GAR Home Team, calving February 1–28.

Each pair is on a premium health program, with heifers receiving Vira Shield 6 VL5, Ivermectin, and Dectomax in August. Calves will receive Blackleg and Bovishield Gold at birth. Buyers have the option to cut, band, or leave bull calves intact. These heifer pairs are a perfect addition to any operation but must be contracted before April 1st. This exceptional group of 50 AI-bred F1 Baldy heifer pairs is available now with just 20% down to contract and the remaining balance due before shipping.


Posted 01-21-25
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