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Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: ULTIMATE COW DOGS #188377
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Posted by: cattlehustler1992 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $2,500.00
City: Cimarron [see other ads in this city]
State: Kansas [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Border Collie
Age: 6 weeks
Sex: Male and female
Size: Vary
Phone #: 806-930-1025

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If your looking for your next cow dog with top notch cow sense, willing minded, good bone, structure, and last but not least the last of their kind of the original McCallum genetics look no further!

Sire: The sire is an own son of the original TIM dog that dominated the dog trial world in the 90’s. Weighing in at 64 pounds of muscle and size his pups have proven themselves to handle a days work, yet good minded to be excellent companions with a family. Being he is THE LAST OWN SON OF TIM LEFT IN THE WORLD!

Dam: being she is one of the last own daughters of McCallums BOSS that as well dominated the dog trial scene in the 90’s. The boss off spring adds a touch of the classic border collie softness yet can handle corrective criticism with excellent feel.

Being this is the last of this cross you will ever have the opportunity to getting your hands on a son of TIM by a daughter of BOSS I stand behind these dogs. To the point I put a 1 year guarantee of them to show interest in stock.

Give me a call at any given time to ask any questions or references of these dogs and the proud lineage that have served the stockmen of the world for decades!

Payton Dewey


Posted 10-01-24
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Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

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