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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Farm & Ranch Help - Arkansas SOLD #168049
Posted by: ChiCowGo [see other ads by this poster]
City: Hindsville [see other ads in this city]
State: Arkansas [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Farm/Ranch Help Wanted
Employer: Chi-Cow-Go Ranch
Salary: TBD
Room & Board: available
Phone #: 479-790-2697

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Wanted: Young farm raised family looking to build a herd of cattle of their own while having a career in the farming/ranching business. We have a position available caring for cattle and a medium sized farm in Northwest Arkansas. Caring for the farm consists mainly of keeping down weeds and brush (using spray, hoe, pruners, and chainsaw); keeping up fence and building new fence; and repair and maintenance of buildings. Person or persons need to have some experience with cattle, horses, and all kinds of farm machinery (ex: tractors, balers, rakes, hay cutters, skid loaders and a variety of trucks). Candidate will have a good driving record, be able to communicate well, and have a valid driver’s license. Candidate will have dependable transportation and some tools. They will be able to work alone or with other people.

Housing is available. Salary is to be decided. Pasture for your animals (horses and cattle) is available. This is a long term position. Drug users/abusers (including marijuana), drunks, and thieves need not apply. Please email your personal information (family status, hobbies, likes, dislikes and whatever will help us know you) as well as a work resume (education, training, skills, experience, references) to

Posted 06-25-23
4093 visitors have viewed this ad

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