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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Horse Farm/Barn Head SOLD #145836
Posted by: JW-Ranch [see other ads by this poster]
City: Lamar [see other ads in this city]
State: Mississippi [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Horse Barn/Farm Care
Employer: JW Ranch
Salary: Boe
Room & Board: Yes
Phone #: 901-870-7733

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Full time care of 15-25 horses 6 days (14 stall max) Includes but not limited to: Feeding/Watering (Clean water tanks/buckets), Turn in/out, Blanketing, Maintain Tidy Barn & Surroundings, Muck Stalls, Weed Eat During Growing Months, Assist with and fence repairs of other farm related needs, Assist w/Washing Trucks/Trailers, Feed 15-25 Head of Young Cattle 1x daily, Exercise Show Horses if Qualified, Basic Wound Care/Administer Basic Meds, Ability to Recognize Illness/Lameness. No Heavy Equipment to Operate. Must Have Previous Horse Experience. This Should Go Without Saying BUT No Drug Use. 1 bedroom 1 bath furnished apartment w/utilities & WIFI, salary (doe), Will allow pet if 100% farm safe (not prey driven), will consider board for 1 owned horse. If prone to missing work please do not inquire. If you cant handle all weather conditions please do not inquire. Must be able to lift 60 lbs. and be physically fit enough to stand, bend, lift as job requires. This is not a training position. Located 40 min east of Memphis, Tn Please include brief description of experience.

Posted 02/10/22

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