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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Handmade Bits & Spurs for Sale: Les Garcia Cutting Spurs SOLD #116250
Posted by: broncojim [see other ads by this poster]
Condition: Excellent
Price: $375.00
City: Weatherford [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Maker: Les Garcia
Phone #: 970-250-4671
Type: Spurs

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Here’s a beautiful, full sterling silver mounted (single-mounted), heavy stainless steel pair of Les Garcia, Reno, NV Cutting Spurs. Both spurs are stamped Les Garcia and Reno on the inside heel band above the button staple and have a beautiful, 3-D horse head in the center of the heel band. Les was the brother of Henry Garcia, a renowned Saddle, Bit & Spur maker located in Salinas, CA and both were sons of G.S. Garcia of Elko, NV. The heel bands are 1 1/4", the shanks are 2" and the rowels are 1" with 10 points. Highly collectible and perfect for the show arena. $575.00
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