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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Survival Frog

Horses For Bid at Auction: Maggie - 3 Year Old 16.2hh Bay Percheron/Quarter Horse Cross Mare - Super Gentle, Calm, & Quiet Horse
Gentle, calm, & quiet! MAGGIE is a 3 yr old, Percheron/Quarter Horse Cross Mare, standing 16.2. Her...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Bid at Auction: Georgia - 3 Yr old 15.1hh Red Roan Brabant/Quarter Horse Cross Mare - Safe, Versatile, & Athletic Horse!
Safe, Versatile, & Athletic! Georgia is a sophisticated lady! A 3yr old, Brabant/Quarter Horse Cross,...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Bid at Auction: Bengi - 4 Yr old 37 Inches Buckskin Paint Pony Gelding - Family Pony Deluxe!
A unicorn has been defined as a mythical creature; highly desirable, yet difficult to obtain. BENGI doesn’t...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Bid at Auction: Georgia - 3 Yr old 15.1hh Red Roan Brabant/Quarter Horse Cross Mare - Safe, Versatile, & Athletic Horse!
Safe, Versatile, & Athletic! Georgia is a sophisticated lady! A 3yr old, Brabant/Quarter Horse Cross,...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Bid at Auction: Pablo - 5 Yr old 16.1hh Black Percheron/Quarter Horse Cross Gelding - Extremely Versatile & Family Safe Horse!
TALL, DARK, & HANDSOME! PABLO is a versatile, family safe gelding! A 5 yr old, Percheron/Quarter horse...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Bid at Auction: Pablo - 5 Year Old 16.1hh Black Percheron/Quarter Horse Cross Gelding - Extremely Versatile & Family Safe Horse
TALL, DARK, & HANDSOME! PABLO is a versatile, family safe gelding! A 5 yr old, Percheron/Quarter horse...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Bid at Auction: Sundance - 3 Yr old 15.3hh Buckskin Overo Shire/American Paint Horse Cross Gelding - Phenomenal All-Around Horse!
What does it take to have a truly phenomenal horse? Start with great-minded, conformationally correct,...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Bid at Auction: Duke - 3 Yr old 16hh Blue Roan Brabant/Quarter Horse Cross Gelding - A True Family Horse!
A kind eye, a big heart, a docile personality, a sound mind, and stunning looks make Duke a sure win...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Bid at Auction: Boone - 5 Yr old 15.3hh Black Percheron/Quarter Horse Cross Gelding - The Perfect All-Around Horse!
The athleticism, agility, and versatility of the quarter horse, paired with the calm demeanor, willing...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Bid at Auction: Charlie - 5 Yr old 14.2hh Bay Quarter Horse/ Welsh Cross Gelding - Absolutely Amazing All-Around Horse!
Being perfect is defined as having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics;...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Sale: Bella - Paint Mare - Green Broke
Bella Cute paint mare. Green broke knows all the basics, loves riding out on the trails. Ties, lunges,...
$4,000.00   Video
Horses For Sale: All Around Ranch Horse/Reiner
Domino 5 year old Black and white Tobiano Stallion. Sire NRHA Futurity Finalist Diamond Tari (Like...
$25,000   Video
Horses For Sale: Mooney - 5 Year Old 16.1hh Bay Tobiano Spotted Draft Cross Gelding - Extremely Athletic and Intelligent All-Around Horse
We are proud to offer the most versatile gelding that has ever walked through our barn—a true all-around...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Sale: 17.1H Gentle Giant - Family Safe Bay Roan Percheron Gelding
A gentle giant that captures hearts with his saintly demeanor, amiable nature, and stunning appearance....
For Bid at Auction
Horses For Sale: Top Sail Whiz Bred, Reining Training, Ranch, Family Safe Horse!
LWF LIP SMAKING GOOD is a 2018 model reg APHA Gelding whose pedigree goes back to the great TOP SAIL...
For Bid At Auction
Horses For Sale: Smack - 6 Yr old 15.1hh Sorrel Overo APHA Gelding - A True Show Stopper - Reining, Barrel Horse!
LWF LIP SMAKING GOOD is athleticism, brains, and looks at its finest! A true show stopper wherever he...
For Bid at Auction   Video
Horses For Sale: John Wayne - 4 Yr old 15hh Buckskin American Cream Draft Cross Gelding - Kid Safe - Solid - Once in a Lifetime Horse!
A unique American Cream Draft Cross, John Wayne, is a 4-year-old gelding standing at a rider-friendly...
For Bid at Auction   Video

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