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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cow Dogs for Sale: Garcin Stock Dogs - McNab Pups SOLD #94404
Posted by: terigarcin [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $850.00
City: Santa Maria [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Breed: McNab
Age: 8 weeks
Sex: Females & Males
Temperment: 5
Size: 35 to 55 pounds
Phone #: 805-934-2752

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Our old Heritage ranch bred stock dogs are a blend of original McNab shepherd lines and multiple generations of old ranch-dog lines from Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and California. Our dogs are bred for their head fetch herding style and loose eyed traits. Good all around ranch dogs. Current litter is a very rare gene that goes back to the original collies- Mahogany Sable, golden sable with mask and black tri’s. Delivery available to Northwest territory’s. Please visit our website for more

Posted 08-08-18
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