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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Heritage Livestock - Winter Select Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Seeking Ranch Work with Housing and Boarding in Western Montana SOLD #89546
Posted by: WildLibertyMan [see other ads by this poster]
City: Weyauwega [see other ads in this city]
State: Wisconsin [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: 0
Exp. Yearlings: 0
Exp. FeedLot: 6
Exp. Horse: 6
Exp. Roping: 1
Exp. Doctoring: 5
Exp. Calving: 0
Exp. Haying: 6
Room And Board: Yes, me, 1-2 horses, 1-2 dogs
Phone#: 920-875-0525

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I知 currently living in central Wisconsin but I am looking to move to Western Montana sometime in May depending on when I知 hired and when you want me as part of your crew. By Western Montana I mean with at least mountain views...yeah everybody wants that, right? Well I致e got plenty of horse experiences of many temperaments. I have a 10 year old mare and a male German Shepherd/Husky mix. Neither is afraid of anything and both love attention and are friendly as can be. Both have been around cattle, as well as myself. Now a bit more about me...

I have always been around horses and farms. I have a lot of experience building and mending fences, both wooden and wire. I am an experienced farrier as far as shoeless trims (I can trim up to the point a shoe is put on) and basic horse trainer. My horse training methods include Tom Dorrance, Bill Dorrance, Ray Hunt, Buck Brannaman, Pat Parelli, Clint Anderson, and John Lyons. I have always had a friendly personality, a great passion for horses and their well being, hard working in all weather conditions, ranches and ranch work, and a great love for the outdoors!

With a great love for ranch work and horses, I have been looking for work as a ranch hand or guide and I am very knowledgeable about horses and ranch work. I am a Christian, very energetic, friendly, non-tobacco using, non-alcohol abusing, kind-hearted cowboy, although be it a bit of a green horn, and I have a great desire for the outdoors and being in the saddle or a four-wheeler! I知 a fast learner and have the desire to work hard! My skills include farrier as mentioned above, horse caretaker, basic horse training, wooden and wire fence building and mending and repairing, barn electrical work and install, vehicle repairs, equine feed and supplements, equine medicinal orders and treatments.

Posted 04-13-18
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