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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Seeking Ranch Job: Seeking Summer Cattle/Horse Ranch Job SOLD #89256
Posted by: nickwade [see other ads by this poster]
City: Anywhere [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: A little
Exp. Yearlings: A little
Exp. Horse: 8 years
Exp. Roping: 4 years
Exp. Doctoring: 1 year
Room And Board: Necessity
Phone#: 406-579-7492
Hello, my name is Nick Wade and I am looking for a summer cattle/horse ranch job. I can rope, and have started a few colts. I can ride a horse well and have two of my own. I grew up in southwestern Montana in the mountains and have worked on a guest ranch the past 5 years. I also have branded and doctored cattle being both on the ground and on horseback. I can send my resume and a video of my riding and roping skills upon request. I am 16 years old but have grown up in the ranching lifestyle and am a quick learner. I have first aid, CPR, a current Montana Drivers Licence, two horses, and a rope.

Posted 04-06-18
3045 visitors have viewed this ad

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