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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: My mom says "AUSSIES ARE THE BEST!" SOLD #84943
Posted by: bledsoe training [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $800.00
City: Challis [see other ads in this city]
State: Idaho [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Age: December 2, 2017
Sex: female
Temperment: well socialized
Size: 35-40 pounds
Phone #: 208-940-0042

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She also says "I am a gem!" I think it’s because my name is Emerald, Emmy for short. I am AKC and ASCA registered, and I already have my DNA testing for ASCA. I am looking forward to having a family of my own. So I am all ready for my new home. I would prefer one where I can work stock, but I’d be happy doing agility, or another active lifestyle. My dad is the sire called Ty is a powerful worker on both sheep and cows willing to take the head and the heal. My mom the dam Tuffy lives to work, she wares very nice and likes to keep stock in a group. See our website for pictures of my parents and video of them working. I am too young to work, but my older brothers and sisters are well liked by ranchers who own puppies from previous litter. Oh I’m not very photogenic, I think it’s because I am very busy. My brother and sister are looking for homes too they look cute in pictures so message for them.
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