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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cow Dogs for Sale: Double-Registered AKC/ASCA Australian Shepherd Puppies for sale! SOLD #84787
Posted by: Sherri Layton [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $1,000.00
City: Thatcher [see other ads in this city]
State: Arizona [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Age: 8 weeks old
Sex: Male
Temperment: active, intellligent, playful, good-natured, protective
Size: 40-70 lbs
Phone #: (928)-322-2639

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Penny (purchased from Hatch Horses) and Ted’s (from Mott Ranch) litter was born on Wednesday, November 8th. There is only one puppy (black tri males) available out of the 12! They are double registered AKC and ASCA. We will give them their first sets Parvo/Distemper vaccinations and de-worming shots before they go to their new homes. They also will come with a folder that includes: the puppy’s pedigree, a picture of the puppy, a picture of their mom, a picture of their dad, and registration papers. The price does include ALL the registration papers and breeding rights. This puppy is ready to go to its new home! Please contact us if you are interested: (928)-322-2639 or Also, please check out our website for more pictures and information at

Posted 01-07-18
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