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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Trailers for Sale: 2015 Featherlite 3 Horse w/ Front Dressing Room SOLD #82484
Posted by: sts8111 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $16,800.00
City: Stillwater [see other ads in this city]
State: Oklahoma [see other ads in this state]
Make: Featherlite
Model: 3 Horse w/ Front Dressing Room
Year: 2015
Length: 20
Phone #: 405-707-9958

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2015 Featherlite 3 Horse


7 x 20 x 7 Tall.

2015 Featherlite 3 Horse. 6’ Short Wall Front Dressing Room w/ Saddle Racks, Bridle Hooks and Blanket Bars, Camper Door w/ Screen Door, Rear Tack with Extra Saddle Racks, Drop Windows on Both Sides, Insulated Horse Area, Stud Divider, Rubber Lined Walls, Mats, Flow Thru Dividers, Stud Divider, Polished Sides, Polished Top and Bottom Rail, Aluminum Wheels, Load Lights on the Rear and Sides,Spare Tire..

Sale Price: $16,800.00

For more pictures and information visit our website or call Stillwater Trailer Sales office at 405-707-9958 so we can further assist you!

Posted 10-25-17
3815 visitors have viewed this ad

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