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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

For Sale: Chauca Bosal, Hanger and Mecate SOLD #78581
Posted by: mill-iron [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $425.00
City: Alamosa [see other ads in this city]
State: Colorado [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 719-589-2126

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SOLD*****Outstanding unused bosal from the great Peruvian braider CHAUCA, one of the greatest modern day braiders of our time. Some of his finest work is on display in the Don King Western Museum in Sheridan, Wyoming. Sixty plait sides with eighty-four plait nose on a rawhide core make for a very eye appealing and serviceable product. Measurements are 5/8” sides, 1” nose, 11 ˝” inside length, 5 ˝” width. Comes with a mane hair mecate and a Jose Ortiz (Vaquero Leather) hanger. CHAUCA ‘S work could go down in history as comparable to that of Ortega’s. $425.00 includes shipping to the lower 48. Please view my other listings.

Posted 07-29-17
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