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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Trailers for Sale: 2016 6’ W x 6’6" H x 16’ L BP Cattle / Livestock Trailer SOLD #74285
Posted by: Pamelot [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 3999.00
City: Carmine [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Make: Calico
Model: Livestock
Year: 2016
Length: 16
Phone #: 713-855-4872

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6’ H x 6’6" W x 16’ L Cattle / Livestock Trailer

By Calico

Tubing Rails

3,500# Torsion Axles w/ Brakes on 1 Axle

Full Wrap Tongue

2" Bulldog Style Bumper Pull Hitch

Center Gate, Combo Rear Gate, Side Access Gate

Spare tire

1 year old, no issues or problems, normal wear and tear from use with cow and horses

$3999 OBO

Come get it cash in hand
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