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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Cow Dogs for Sale: AKC-Working-Australian Shepherd Puppies ,2018 #70290
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Posted by: gail mccraw [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 1,000-1,500
City: Red Oak [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Age: young
Sex: Male-female
Temperment: Great
Size: standard
Phone #: 214-850-0226

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Beautiful Aussie puppies,they were born 2018 Our dogs will have big bone,great conformation,real good temperament with such a will to please.Easy to train, can work all day then come in and relax and be a great family dog.Hips and elbows are (OFA) eyes tested.Sire- DNA If you want a gorgeous dog that is structurally sound with a great mind, give us a call or check out our -health guarantee,we have healthy,happy puppies all over the U.S.--214-850-0226 pictures are of some of our dogs -We Do Have Puppies !!!

Posted 01-13-17
10515 visitors have viewed this ad

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