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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Trailers for Sale: 2014 Lakota 5 Horse 12’ Living Quarters w/ Slide Out SOLD #65809
Posted by: sts8111 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $68500
City: Stillwater [see other ads in this city]
State: Oklahoma [see other ads in this state]
Make: Lakota
Model: 5 Horse 12’ Living Quarters w/ Slide
Year: 2014
Length: 36
Phone #: 405-707-9958

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2014 Lakota 5 Horse 12’ Living Quarters w/ Slide.


8 x 37 x 7.8 Tall.

2014 Lakota 5 Horse 12’ Living Quarters w/ 7’ Slide. Full Kitchen, 6.0 Fridge, Full Bathroom w/ Large Closet, U-Shaped Dinette that Folds to Bed, Walk Thru Door, Flow Thru Dividers, Mangers, Drop Windows on Both Sides, Hay Rack, Generator w/ 500 HRS, Electric Awning, Dual Hydraulic Jacks...

Sale Price: $68500 - For more PICTURES and information. OR Call Stillwater Trailer Sales office at 405-707-9958!
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