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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado Horse Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: 10 Month Old Purebred Border Collie Female SOLD #62789
Posted by: swamper1977 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $500.00
City: Richmond [see other ads in this city]
State: Virginia [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Border Collie
Age: 10 Months
Sex: Female
Temperment: Good
Size: Medium
Phone #: 804-387-6355

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Purebred - no papers - not spayed - typical border collie markings. Very sweet and loving but not afraid to stand her ground. House trained, crate trained, leash trained. Shows strong interest in herding our chickens or anything else that moves. Has not been exposed to any large livestock. Likes to swim in water. Absolutely ADORES children. Sleeps in bed with them and follows them all around the farm. Very protective of the kids, will not let other dogs around the kids (unless she knows the dog). On the smaller side, probably 35lbs or so. Current on shots, heartworm meds and flea/tick meds. Very chill for a Border Collie - happy to lay on the couch and watch cartoons or go outside and play. She basically does whatever my children do (age 5 and 7)....she is happiest by their side.

Posted 07-14-16
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Colorado Horse Sale

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