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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Cow Dogs for Sale: ABCA Registered Red/White and Red Merle Border Collie Puppies, Ranch Raised SOLD #62781
Posted by: wensingperfhorses [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $600.00
City: Verdel [see other ads in this city]
State: Nebraska [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Border Collie
Age: 6 weeks
Sex: Male/Female
Temperment: biddable
Size: large
Phone #: 605-695-6694

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ABCA Registered Border Collie Puppies. Will be 8 weeks on July 29th. These pups have been exposed to all the sights and sounds of ranch life. They are handled daily and played with by our young children.

This is the 2nd Litter out of this cross. We kept back 3 pups from the 1st litter, who just turned 7 months on the 4th of July. These pups are showing a lot of ability and are very biddable. We have attached a video of them at 7 months of age.

Puppies Available:

Male #1 - Red Merle, short, smooth

Male #2 - Red and White, short, smooth

Male #3 - Red Merle, short, rough

Male #4 - Red Merle, short, rough

Female #1 - Red Merle, short, smooth

Female #2 - Red Merle, short, smooth

Additional Pictures available of each pup. Please feel free to call with any questions 605-695-6694

Posted 07-14-16
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