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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Central OK Ranch Auction

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Horse Training Intern-working student - Montana SOLD #59871
Posted by: HAT RANCH [see other ads by this poster]
City: Huntley [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: working college student intern
Employer: C. T. Ripley
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: provided
Phone #: 406-348-3322

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Looking for a working college student intern for the summer, late May/early June through October if possible to help me work and train 10 head of 2-3 year old AQHA geldings and 5-6 older horses. Job will include catching (not a barn and stall operation), feeding, grooming, saddling and riding some of these horses. Applicant does not need to be an experienced colt starter but have a willingness to learn, but other horse experience is necessary. Good health, attitude and strength enough to saddle big horses with heavy western saddles are required. Experience with other horse training disciplines, showing of horses, vet assistant type work etc. are a plus. Applicant must be willing to ride and see big open country, day working on neighboring ranches as well as packing some of these horses and my mules in the beautiful mountains surrounding this area, in Yellowstone Park and other places in Montana and Wyoming. Small weekly stipend DOE, room and board provided, non-smoker or drug user. No horses or dogs. Bonus if applicant stays for the full duration through mid October. References available. Email resume and video of your riding abilities and horsemanship skills.

Posted 05-04-16
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