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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Seeking Ranch Job: Seeking ranch hand, cowboy position, ranch caretaker position, or ranch management position SOLD #59444
Posted by: cowboymike [see other ads by this poster]
City: McNeal [see other ads in this city]
State: Arizona [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: 25
Exp. Yearlings: 10
Exp. FeedLot: 2
Exp. Horse: 30
Exp. Roping: Pasture, corrals
Exp. Doctoring: Yes
Exp. Calving: Yes
Exp. Haying: Some
Room And Board: Preferred yes
Phone#: 850-814-2372, 850-596-4236

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We are thoughtful, conscientious, observant and have high energy levels. We are in good health, non-smokers, non-drinkers, have clean driving records and we have no children. We have been married for 24 years.

We are a humble, motivated, resilient, self-starting, experienced ranch couple, looking for a ranch hand, cow camp, cowboy position, ranch manager, rural property/ranch caretaker position. We have a willingness to learn and take direction. We are willing to make a long term commitment for the right situation.

As an honest, hard working, couple that takes common sense approaches to problem solving, we are looking for the right opportunity that includes wages for me, housing for us both and if possible the opportunity to run our own cattle.

Running our own cows would be great but it not a deal breaker! We can buy our own cows now, just need to get a brand for the state we end up in. We have one for Arizona.

An opportunity on a place where Vivian might have the opportunity to work with me and the livestock as well would be helpful. Paying her would be up to the employer’s discretion. We are not expecting wages for her.

For 10 years we owned/operated a remote, diversified Wyoming ranch that included 100 acres of flood irrigated ground. The ranch functioned as a working cattle, horse, hunting preserve, licensed bird farm and ranch vacation cabin rental. Town was a round trip of 160 miles. The ranch income was from the sale of cattle, the sale of polo horse prospects to customers from all over the U.S. and abroad, with some from the ranch vacation cabin rental.

We implemented holistic integrated resource management practices to improve the quality of the grasses, water and overall health of our ranch in a sustainable manor. Also, implemented were low stress cattle handing techniques, riparian habitat and wetland management practices.

I have experience managing and handling livestock both as a ranch owner, and as an employee of ranchers. So I have an appreciation for both.

Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) Training Certifications:

BQA Certified Beef Cattle Training Cow/Calf

BQA Certified Comprehensive Beef Cattle Care Training

BQA Certified Feedlot Doctor

BQA Certified Feedlot Processor

BQA Certified Stocker/Backgrounder

BQA Certified Transportation

BQA Certified Humane Equine Management

-Experienced in planned rotational grazing, pasture and range management, and pasture rotation

-Experienced in working with the NRCS, FSA, BLM, public non-profits w/ regard to water development, range improvement, wildlife and riparian area habitat enhancement projects

-Experienced gathering horses and cattle, processing cattle using crowding pens, alleys, squeeze chutes on ranches and in a feedlot.

-Experienced identifying lameness or sickness in horses and cattle and pasture roping cattle to doctor them if required.

-Experienced in livestock management, nutrition, sickness detection (high and low altitude) and doctoring, and vaccination programs.

-Experienced in doctoring horses and cattle via bolus, subcue or IV.

-Experienced administering vaccinations and oral wormers.

-Experienced in loading, unloading, hauling horses and cattle in stock trailers with pickup trucks.

-Experienced operating skid steer, tractor, backhoe.

-I have been on branding crews working as a ground crew member and as a roper dragging calves to the fire.

-Experienced working remote in cow camps.

-Experienced sorting horses and cattle afoot and ahorseback.

-Experienced using pack strings of horses and mules. I have some experience driving two up teams of horses and mules. But its been quite a few years since I have done so.

I can work alone, or with a crew and are use to long days work in remote areas. I have experience working in remote cow camps, large and small ranches, guiding, packing horses and setting up hunting camps.

Our location preferences might be Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, Utah, Oregon, Idaho, and Wyoming.

For 10 years I have held a United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariners OUPV Captain’s license. Therefore, I have passed rigorous Homeland Security and USCG background checks in order to keep and maintain the license.

I would like to emphasize that I can do the hard work and pull long circles. I can make a long term commitment for the right situation.

I would be willing to work on a trial basis for room and board to see if we are a fit.

Resumes, cover letter and additional documentation will be happily provided upon request.

If you think we might be a fit for what you’re looking for, please give us a call 850-814-2372 or e-mail us at

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Happy trails, Mike and Vivian
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