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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Heritage Livestock - Winter Select Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Seeking long-term employment in western or south central Montana SOLD #59146
Posted by: MontanaCowboy0702 [see other ads by this poster]
City: western [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: Yes
Exp. Yearlings: Yes
Exp. FeedLot: No
Exp. Horse: Yes
Exp. Roping: Yes
Exp. Doctoring: Yes
Exp. Calving: Yes
Exp. Haying: Yes
Room And Board: Must be provided
Phone#: (406) 351-6351 or (406) 490-9659

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Ranch hand seeking long-term employment in western or south central Montana. Personal horses and dogs. Several years experience on cow/calf and yearling operations. Seeking employment on a place where cattle are worked horseback and dogs are used. Can’t be too isolated. Considerable experience riding, roping, fencing, welding, calving, doctoring, feeding, and monitoring herd health. Have a little experience haying and irrigating as well. Can work alone or with a crew. Honest and reliable. Housing must be provided. Non-smoker/non-drinker. Resume and references available upon request. Please send email to or call (406) 354-6351 (home) or (406) 490-9659 (cell)and leave a message if no answer. Thank you.
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