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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Diversified Couple Seeking Long Term Position SOLD #59073
Posted by: andiweigel [see other ads by this poster]
City: Roundup [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: Yes
Exp. Yearlings: Yes
Exp. FeedLot: No
Exp. Horse: Extensive
Exp. Roping: Yes
Exp. Doctoring: Yes
Exp. Calving: Yes
Exp. Haying: Some
Room And Board: negotiable
Phone#: 406-947-5049

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Husband and wife team seeking a long term position that will utilize our diverse skill set. We are a unique, financially stable, business minded, kid free couple in our early thirties. We are hard-working Christians that can prioritize and multi-task to complete all ranch related duties. We have impeccable driving records, backgrounds, and credit scores. We are only looking for two full time positions. Ideally a working management position.


-Management of commercial cow-calf operation.

-Management of equine breeding and training operation.

- Quickbooks, Microsoft Office Suite, Mac Pages/Numbers.

-Advertisement & Marketing

-Heavy Equipment Operation & maintenance


-Certified Professional Riding Instructor

- Additional Certifications in :

Legal Aspects of Horse Management

Behavior Modification

Equine Health & Disease Management

Financial Aspects of Horse Management

Nutrition for Maximum Performance

-Beef Quality Assurance= Comprehensive Certification

-Extensive colt starting experience

-Yearling Operations

-Low stress stock handling/restraint techniques

-Rope and pasture doctor

-Extensive veterinary experience

-Experience handling range cattle on horseback

-Pasture and Range Management

-Management of crews from 2-20.

-Extremely well organized and financially efficient.

-Calving on large scale cow-calf operation

-Management and oversight of large, absentee-owner ranch

-Bachelors Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies

-Trimming and Shoeing

-Hunting & Guiding

-Excellent Communicators

***Detailed resume available upon request******

Please feel free to contact us via phone or email regarding serious opportunities. Willing to relocate to mountain states only.

Thank you,

Ryan & Andi

(406) 947-5049

Posted 04-16-16
6399 visitors have viewed this ad

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Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

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