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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Optics Planet

Seeking Ranch Job: Working Foreman/ Ranch Manager/ Caretaker Estate Representative SOLD #58647
Posted by: ron m [see other ads by this poster]
City: Kingsburg [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: yes
Exp. Yearlings: yes
Exp. FeedLot: maybe
Exp. Horse: Needs Improvement
Exp. Roping: some
Exp. Doctoring: Needs Updating
Exp. Calving: some
Exp. Haying: yes
Room And Board: yes please
Phone#: 559-280-7269

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I’m married, 59 years old physically sound,I will bring integrity honesty and my knowledge as an asset to your company. Can and still do operate heavy equipment mechanical abilities service maintenance welding.Flexible hard working and self motivated and great at multitasking.Good work ethics and good old family values. Have great eye for details. Positive and willing attitude and a out going personality.Love being outdoors around cattle and horses. Oregon. A few more pictures on number 45459 on is site.

Posted 04-06-16
5119 visitors have viewed this ad

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