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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Heritage Livestock - Winter Select Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Foreman Couple - Pipe Creek (Bandera County), Texas SOLD #58365
Posted by: GraingerRanchRecruiting [see other ads by this poster]
City: Pipe Creek (Bandera County) [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Foreman Couple
Employer: Owner of Ranch
Salary: BOE with individual health, dental and vision insurance, short and long term disability insurance and 401K plan
Room & Board: New 1BR cottage with external utility room and separate bunk room; cable and utilities included
Phone #:

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This beautiful ranch consists of 417 pristine and high fenced acres under new ownership. The ranch is now used as a combination corporate/family retreat property with 3 new guest cottages, new barns and buildings, work equipment, and newly constructed high fence. The ranch is in Pipe Creek, Texas just east of Bandera on the Leon River. The crystal clear Leon runs through the middle of the property as well as a stocked creek system for fishing. The usage will predominantly be as a guest retreat ranch for company employees and clientele. Family members of the owner will also use this ranch for hunting, fishing and recreation. As the ownership has recently changed, there will be new projects and management ideas that will need to be put in place. Ultimately, the owners plan to stock the ranch with high end exotics for hunting as well as lightly breeding for commercial purposes.

The purpose of this ranch foreman position is to oversee the complete management of the ranch and the wildlife of the property. The details of the job include but are not limited to:

• Facilities management and maintenance (Contract work will be provided on jobs needing major repair)

• Future exotic animal care

• Pasture wildlife management

• Game inventory

• Record keeping of wildlife and ranch projects

• Filling feeders and ordering feed

• Fence Repair

• Blinds maintenance

• Pasture maintenance

• Water system maintenance and upkeep

• Guest Relations and entertainment

• Guiding Hunts/Game processing

• Running game cameras

• Vehicle maintenance

• Working with the owner to enhance the ranch’s experience and overall health

Spouse: We would like to include in the job description that the owner would like to have the spouse of the foreman be a part time employee of the ranch working to clean and cook in the cottages while guests are on site. This will be treated as part time and will be paid as a day rate.


The owner of this property has put this ranch together to provide a pristine, clean and neat ranching experience. The ranch is kept in immaculate shape and will expect to be kept in this shape under new management. All of the equipment needed to take care of this ranch is in place and in great shape. The current equipment inventory on the ranch is 2 Polaris Rangers, 1 new tractor, zero turn mower, ranch work truck, 5th wheel trailer

We require previous knowledge in:

• Wildlife Management

• Animal Care

• Facilities Management

• Operating Tractor, shredder and zero turn mower

• Vehicle maintenance

• Record Keeping and budgeting

• Guest Relations

Please send resume and references to with Pipe Creek as the subject line. Thank you!

Posted 03-31-16
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