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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Family Seeking Ranch Job SOLD #58332
Posted by: nhengelfelt [see other ads by this poster]
City: Stromsburg [see other ads in this city]
State: Nebraska [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: 15+
Exp. Yearlings: 10+
Exp. FeedLot: 1+
Exp. Horse: 25+
Exp. Roping: 20+
Exp. Doctoring: 15+
Exp. Calving: 15+
Exp. Haying: 15+
Room And Board: Yes
Phone#: 402-322-0651

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We are a respectful, energetic, considerate, adaptable, versatile, self-starting experienced ranch couple with a 5 month old daughter looking for a new opportunity. We are interested in a ranch hand, cowboy position, or ranch management. We are wanting something permanent in the mountains of Colorado, Montana or Wyoming that include housing, wages, and possibly the opportunity to run a few of our own cows. Although, we may consider other areas if the job is right. We are striving to find an establishment that is either looking to hire an individual or a couple who posses a solid foundation. We focus on teamwork, communication, hard work, dedication, and success. A little bit about ourselves, Nathan has a passion for horses, cattle, and the outdoors. He is a quick study, can work individually or with a team, self motivated, with a direct personality. The ambition to get the job done precisely, accurately, and competently. He loves roping, hunting, riding, and all aspects of ranching, being on a horse for long periods of time doesn’t bother him. He has experience calving out heifers, doctoring, haying, irrigating, riding and training horses, welding, driving machinery, working in a feedlot, and fencing. What he doesn’t know he catches on quick and isn’t afraid to learn new skills. Kaysha has experience haying, calving, fencing, taking care of children, cleaning, riding, and cooking for large groups of people. She loves the ranch life and would be willing to help wherever needed, paying her would be the option of the employer. We are in good health, non-smokers, and a clean driving record. We have three horses, two well mannered cow dogs, and we own a reliable pickup and horse trailer. Family is a key value to us, and we are looking for a family oriented establishment. Resume, cover letter and any additional information will be happily provided upon request. Thank you for your time and consideration. Feel free to call after 5:00pm, text or send email to or Sincerely Nathan, Kaysha, and Tinsley Hengelfelt.

Posted 03-30-16
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