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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Military Couple Relocating SOLD #58153
Posted by: rippinlips1105 [see other ads by this poster]
City: Bozeman [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: Little
Exp. Yearlings: Little
Exp. FeedLot: None
Exp. Horse: Wife has more than me
Exp. Roping: Better steer wrestler
Exp. Doctoring: Little
Exp. Calving: Little
Exp. Haying: Some
Room And Board: Needed

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My name is Derek Beaty and my wife and I are looking to relocate to the Bozeman area. I am looking to be attending MSU in Jan ’17. We are stationed in Marysville, CA and I am currently deployed. My wife is currently back home with family in Florida. We come with a background in Agriculture. We own 2 horses and 3 dogs, all of which have been worked with on cattle and mainly pushing and gathering and some brandings. All of our animals are well behaved and well cared for. My wife, Emily, graduated from Colorado State with her BS in Agriculture Business. She is currently looking for a job that would allow her to be involved in livestock. I will be pursuing a degree in Animal Science and I am extremely passionate about cattle. Our goal is to one day own and operate our very own ranch with ambitions to possibly own some bucking bulls. We are hard working motivated people. We can provide references of our last places we stayed. While we were stationed in DC we worked on a horse farm so we can provide that reference as well as some of the ranches we have helped out on in CA. I know this is early but I am due to depart th Air Force in Aug and we are trying to get our ducks in a row. Email is the best way to reach me due to being over seas. This is not a scam and if emailed I can provide my wife’s contact information so you could talk with her as well. Thank you ahead of time for your help!

Posted 03-27-16
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