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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Central OK Ranch Auction

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Head Wrangler for Resort - California SOLD #57835
Posted by: R Ranch in the Sequoias [see other ads by this poster]
City: Johnsondale [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Head Wrangler
Employer: R Ranch in the Sequoias
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: Housing available
Phone #: 760-376-3713

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Located in the Sierra Nevada Mountains within a few miles of the Giant Sequoias, a private resort/recreation ranch is looking for an experienced Head Wrangler with several years experience in paid professional trail rides and the training of trail ride horses.

go to to fill out an application and background check release.

This position answers to the Ranch Manager and is a working position that is expected to partner with their staff to accomplish the goals of the stables department. We are looking for a creative person who can help enhance our property and the activities of our owners as well as make every trail ride a fun and pleasant experience. Having taught basic riding lessons is also required.California Drivers License will be required within 90 days of hire.

Demonstrated experience in horse training, health issues and proper foot care is expected as well as good interpersonal skills. The ability to acquire new stock with sound conformation is a must and to be able to make sound judgments on the temperaments and demeanors of new and existing stock is also required.

Additional skills that would be helpful include being able to teach more advanced classes, basic cattle work classes and log/lumber construction skills.

On site housing is available. go to to fill out an application and background check release.

Posted 03-19-16
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