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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Optics Planet

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Hand (part time) - Central Oklahoma SOLD #57804
Posted by: phdcop [see other ads by this poster]
City: Wewoka [see other ads in this city]
State: Oklahoma [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Hand / Horse Trainer
Salary: Negotiable
Room & Board: Yes
Phone #: 580-481-0249

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Furnished apartment all utilities/internet paid in exchange for a few hours of ranch work each week. Riding / tuning horses, checking and working cows, repairing and building fence, tractor work, general maintenance, etc. Nice lighted arena available for you to take in outside horses if you are a trainer. Space provided for your horse. Small cow/calf operation, family owned. No smoking / drinking. Great opportunity for someone looking to run their own horse training business. Small salary, apartment, utilities provided. Located in East Central Oklahoma 65 miles from Oklahoma City. Please direct questions and responses to

Posted 03-18-16
5717 visitors have viewed this ad

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