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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wantd - Full Time Ranch Hand - Washington SOLD #57239
Posted by: FlyingHBrand [see other ads by this poster]
City: Hooper [see other ads in this city]
State: Washington [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Hand Full Time
Employer: Harder River Ranch, Inc.
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: Yes
Phone #: email resume and references to:

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We are a family owned and operated 950 head commercial cow/calf operation located in southeastern Washington State near a friendly country town considered rural but not remote. Cattle are primarily run on range ground. Weaned calves are backgrounded on the ranch feedlot. We have 550 irrigated acres of alfalfa and pasture on pivots as well as some wheel and hand lines. Our on-ranch employee homes accommodate families and the ranch is on the bus route for a pre-K through 12 school.

We are looking to fill a long term, full-time position with someone who has experience in all aspects of ranching including feeding and doctoring cattle, calving heifers, branding (on a calf table), processing, weaning calves, and sorting, gathering, and moving cattle primarily on horseback but sometimes by ATV.

Some farming responsibilities go with the job including assisting with haying and irrigating.

This is not a Cowboy or management position.

Housing is provided. Other benefits include utilities, beef, health insurance, paid vacation, work vehicle, cell phone and hunting and fishing privileges.

Resume with current references are required. Email your application information to:

Posted 03-08-16
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