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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Manager - Utah SOLD #55161
Posted by: lindskov [see other ads by this poster]
City: Torrey [see other ads in this city]
State: Utah [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Manager
Employer: Utah Sandy Ranch, LLC
Salary: Depends on Experience
Room & Board: Housing, Utilites, Meat, Work Vehicle
Phone #:

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Looking for an experienced Ranch Manager for a 1000 cow/calf operation in Southern Utah. We put up about 700 acres of Irrigated Alfalfa and background all the calves until January. Manager will be responsible for all aspects of the ranch including overseeing 3/4 ranch employees. Must be able to manage the haying, irrigating, calving, feeding, fencing, maintenance, etc. of the operation. We expect things to be done right and take great pride in the presentation of the ranch. We offer excellent housing on the ranch and all the utilities, meat, work vehicle are included. We offer a great salary to the right candidate and can also hire the spouse part-time to help with the cleaning and upkeep of several homes and to help with cooking and paperwork as needed. Please email with questions or interest.

Posted 01-17-16
9691 visitors have viewed this ad

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