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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Hand in the Sandhills - Nebraska SOLD #55096
Posted by: Powder Horn Ranch [see other ads by this poster]
City: Nenzel [see other ads in this city]
State: Nebraska [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Hand
Employer: Will Fischer
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: House and utilities
Phone #: 402-823-4270

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I did have an ad up and thought I filled the position but things changed so I am rerunning my ad. We are a cow/calf operation located 40 miles southwest of Valentine, NE. I keep newer equipment and our facilities are well maintained. We use 4wheelers for cattle work. There is a nice 3 bedroom home and garage with storage. We try to live by the golden rule and don’t care for drama. Please send your resumes to Mechanical ability is a plus.

Posted 01-15-16
7663 visitors have viewed this ad

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