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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Equine Management Couple Seeking Long Term Career SOLD #54838
Posted by: ljones35367 [see other ads by this poster]
City: White Mountains [see other ads in this city]
State: Arizona [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: N/A
Exp. Yearlings: Horse yearlings, not calves
Exp. FeedLot: N/A
Exp. Horse: Yes
Exp. Roping: N/A
Exp. Doctoring: Yes
Exp. Calving: Foaling - Yes
Exp. Haying: N/A
Room And Board: Needed

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*Still keeping our options open*

Please read entire ad before contacting us!

Hardworking, honest, drama free couple seeing a LONG TERM, STABLE ranch career.

She - horse training, foaling/mare/stallion care, live cover/AI, stallion handling, stallion collection, ultrasound, veterinary technician (years of small animal experience), trail training, young horse training/handling, etc.

He - Retired Army sniper, deputy sheriff for 12 years in the K9 division, dog trainer (protection, basic obedience, etc), farm management, can operate anything with wheels, horse handling, all aspects of managing a farm (bookkeeping, repairs, etc), has also worked as a financial adviser so he is amazing with numbers - he’d like to be able to use his brain more than his body.

We are an amazing team and posses integrity - something you don’t see much of anymore. He is strong in the areas where I am weak and vice versa.

We are currently managing the horse operations for a private ranch community in the White Mountains of Arizona - and we absolutely LOVE it here. The ONLY reason we’re putting up this ad is because the ranch is facing financial issues, and possible foreclosure (which we knew nothing about upon being hired - and agreeing to relocate from Tennessee) and we are not sure how long it will continue operating.

Our responsibilities here include, but aren’t limited to, being in charge of the horse operations from budgets, legal paperwork, lessons, trails, etc to property maintenance and management. There is nothing we can’t learn!

We would love to find a position where we could work solely with horses together and ideally on a breeding/training ranch but are open to other avenues. Somewhere with both canines and equines would be amazing but I know that’s a long shot!!

We will be picky about the position we may take due to being screwed over multiple times before and cannot afford to move across the country again just to be told that the ranch is in foreclosure. We are not looking for a stall cleaning, 70 hour work week with little pay, day job.

We do come with 2 dogs (they stay crated when we aren’t home if there’s no fenced in yard - they are both Malinois and one is my fiance’s retired K9 partner) and 2 indoor kitties (both spayed females who ARE litter box trained and do not claw carpet, etc). All of our animals are well trained and behaved and are our family.

I have attached a link to another ad we have that has a little more information about us.

Cell reception here is terrible at best SO the best way to contact us is by email at this time. My email is and his is - we will provide a phone number if needed.

We aren’t looking to move tomorrow and will need to give notice IF we decide to accept a position elsewhere. Are willing to relocate for the right position - any moving expense coverage would be helpful and greatly appreciated as we used everything we had to move from TN to AZ in November.

Thank you for your time and consideration!!

Posted 01-08-16 - updated: 4/19/16
9325 visitors have viewed this ad

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