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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - All Around Assistant - 2 year old guy - Loper - Cowboy - Colorado SOLD #54789
Posted by: 123tome [see other ads by this poster]
City: Orchard [see other ads in this city]
State: Colorado [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: 2yr old guy/Loper/Cowboy
Employer: Robin Hayes Cutting Horses
Salary: Depends on experience
Room & Board: Housing plus all utilities
Phone #: 970-645-9897

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Cutting horse trainer looking for responsible preferably single male to assist in all areas of the day to day operations. Horse part of business would include assisting in daily chores, warming up and exercising all ages of horses, starting and working with 2yr olds, and traveling and helping at shows. Must be an experienced and comfortable rider. This is a good opportunity for someone to learn and move up in the ranks of the cutting business if they so desire, or just better ones horsemanship skills for whatever discipline you choose. We also lease land and run cattle, so some cowboy work would be involved. We like to use our young horses to ride and check pastures and our ranch horses to rope and doctor, and may have some cows to calve out. Do not have to be a super experienced roper, just need to be comfortable doing things horseback. We are looking for a seasoned, quiet rider who is able to adapt into our program and willing to learn new or additional techniques. Would prefer to talk in person at 970-645-9897, but can email at

Posted 01-07-16
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