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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Niobrara Red Angus Annual Bull Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - 1 Long Term Ranch Employee - Montana SOLD #54774
Posted by: blackcows1 [see other ads by this poster]
City: Buffalo [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Employee
Employer: Central MT Ranch
Salary: $1,800.00-$2,000.00
Room & Board: Housing, Utilities and Beef
Phone #:

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We are a cow/calf operation nestled in the foothills of the Snowy Mountains. We are looking for someone with a multitude of skill sets who doesn’t mind doing something different every day. We run about 650 mother cows on approximately 10,000 acres. Most of the cattle work can be done via ATV’s except during the Summer and Fall. Horses are required for most of the cattle work at those times. The ranch does not supply horses or tack. We love dogs here but do not allow them to be used on cattle other then a few exceptions. Our equipment is fairly modern and we strive to maintain and keep it nice and clean. There is a fair amount of light mechanic work and maintenance. We expect to keep the repairs bills at a minimum. Welding is a plus. There is a great deal of equipment operation with haying in the summer and feeding in the winter. We do use hydra-bed pickups for feeding as well. Housing is suitable for a single person or couple and is an updated trailer house with additions for more living space. We are located about 30 miles from town but there are amenities closer. Salary depends upon experience but we try to start out around $1,800.00-$2,000.00 and work up from there with performance raises. Housing, utilities and beef are also provided. Serious applicants only please. Please email with a cover letter conveying your interest and a resume detailing your experience. Thank You!

Posted 01-07-16
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