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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

For Sale: Weatherbeeta Freestyle 1680D 3-in1 Detach-A-Neck Medium Turnout Blanket SOLD #52215
Posted by: JacksonsWesternStore [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $247.95
City: Asheville [see other ads in this city]
State: North Carolina [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 1-866-254-1812

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Brand New

• Super strong waterproof and breathable 1680 denier ballistic nylon outer with Teflon coating

• Features 3-In-1 versatility with a removable 120g liner and 100g outer shell

• Includes the exclusive WeatherBeeta zip-out ’Snug Fit’ to provide ultimate protection and warmth for your horse’s neck and poll area

• Also has an adjustable warm belly flap that wraps around your horse without restricting movement as well as the exclusive Freestyle Comfort Cuff to provide extra warmth in the neckline

• Other exclusive Freestlye features include the forward-positioned Freestyle gusset, cupped shoulder dart for freedom of movement, Wither Relief Pad, Quick Clip front closure and Full Wrap Tail Flap for ultimate freedom and protection

We accept PayPal and all major credit cards

Just give us a call ( toll free ) 1-866-254-1812 or 828-254-1812 Mon - Sat 9 - 6 EST.
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