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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Trailers for Sale: 2007 Elite Transport Stock # 08633 SOLD #50254
Posted by: Sasak Trailers [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $31,500.00
City: Steamboat Springs [see other ads in this city]
State: Colorado [see other ads in this state]
Make: Elite
Model: Transport
Year: 2006
Length: 00’
Phone #: 970-879-2350

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Sasak Trailers

26 x 8 x 8

This Head to Head trailer was used by a horse transporter. It is a 4 horse Head to Head with an extra divider that allows you to have 3 box stalls or 4 roomy stalls with a 1/2 stall. You can also have 3 horses traveling backwards in the front portion of the trailer with an extra stall in the middle. This trailer has easily accommodated draft horses as well as comfortably fit 5 18h horses. It has rear ramp doors and side ramp doors with dutch doors above that swing completely around. The trailer also has a misting system, camera system, insulated roof and automatic waters. This trailer has many more features; please give us a call if you are interested.

Posted 09-10-15
4969 visitors have viewed this ad

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