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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

For Sale: Swiss-Vet brand Equine DENTAL POWER FLOAT SOLD #34685
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Price: Sold
City: Buckeye [see other ads in this city]
State: Arizona [see other ads in this state]
Phone #: 602/525/0656

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It will pay for it’s self in no time at all!!!

This is a wonderful business opportunity, or just a great way to save big $$$$$ if you own multiple horses. Comes with everything including mouth jack, incisor speculum, and carrying case bag.

I purchased this equine power float new from the manufacture (Swiss Vet) a few years back. They retail for over $2000. I purchased it for a friend who was going to start their own business....(That soon fizzled!) It was only used a few times. It has been stored in it’s carrying case indoors, and is in LIKE NEW CONDITION. Sold

Posted 06-20-14
11709 visitors have viewed this ad

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