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Ranch Jobs: Livestock Transportation & Ranch Water Manager Position #192505
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Posted by: DoubleG [see other ads by this poster]
City: Fairfield [see other ads in this city]
State: Idaho [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Livestock Transportation & Ranch Water Manager Position
Employer: Double G LLC
Salary: DOE
Room & Board: Yes
Phone #: 2087643904
Camas Creek Ranch (CCR) is hiring a Livestock Transportation and Ranch Water Manager position. This is a full-time year-round opportunity based out of King Hill, Idaho.

CCR is headquartered in Fairfield, Idaho where they focus on raising commercial Black Angus Cattle, and organic hay & barley. The operation itself spans across Camas, Elmore, Gooding, Twin Falls and Owyhee Counties utilizing deeded ground as well as Forest Service and BLM permits.

This position is responsible for overseeing the trucking of cattle within a 150-mile radius. The bulk of the cattle transport takes place from April - June and again from October - December.

In addition to managing the trucking, this position will also oversee and maintain all livestock water needs. This includes managing riparian areas, deep well water systems, generators, pipelines, livestock tanks and pond systems.

This position will also help with other ranch and livestock elements as needed, depending on the season. You will work closely with CCR’s cowboy crew throughout the year on all elements of the job.

Qualifications & Requirements:

- Experience working with cattle

- A thorough understanding of cattle water systems

- CDL is preferred but not required

- Willingness to work outdoors in all seasons

- Self-motivated, and able to work by one’s self

- Team player with a can do attitude.

This position offers a competitive salary base on experience. Housing and transportation are included.

Please email resume to

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