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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Schaff Angus Valley

Cows for Sale: Registered Black Angus Cows #192454
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Posted by: 5LaneRanch [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $3200
City: Graham [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Black Angus
Number for Sale: 5
Age: 4
Avg. Weight: 1000
Bred To: Registered Black Angus
Vaccinations: 6 way w/ VL5 & Dectomax 11/24
Horns: no
Sell Part or All: Part
Phone #: 8177160338

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4, 4yo Registered K-Bar Black Angus Cows. 2 heavy bred. 2 have been exposed for the last 6 months.

1 8yo Registered black Angus Cow. Bred.

2 2yo Heifers also available. Exposed. Can get them vet checked if needed. Pics not included
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Schaff Angus Valley

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