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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Central OK Ranch Auction

Cow Dogs for Sale: Border Collie X Whippet Working Cowdog Pups SOLD #192406
Posted by: Justin_0331 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $100.00
City: Fresno [see other ads in this city]
State: California [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Cross Breeds
Age: 7 weeks
Sex: Male and Female
Temperment: Good, docile
Size: Puppy
Phone #: 760-917-7849

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Located in Fresno CA.

Weaned and ready to go.

Call/text (760) 917-7849

These bordercollieXwhippet cowdog pups come from a good line of working cowdogs. They have the intelligence and obedience of a bordercollie, the endurance, speed, and calmness of a Whippet.

I don’t know exactly who the sire is but I have a few guesses and they’re all border collie X Whippet appearing pups.

My mother dog serves as my companion dog that was unexpectedly bred and I don’t want to deal with these puppies or the cost of feeding them, so they’re free to a good home.

Posted 01-17-24
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