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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Ranch Jobs: Wanted - Ranch Help - Wyoming #192279
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Posted by: Richard Leavitt [see other ads by this poster]
City: Wright [see other ads in this city]
State: Wyoming [see other ads in this state]
Job Title: Ranch Hand
Employer: Cattlecorp LLC
Salary: Negotiable
Room & Board: Housing & Utilities
Phone #: 307-214-2200

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We are a large cow/calf operating in northeast and Central Wyoming. We are looking for someone that we can count on and wants to work, and can work independently and along side with others. If you know what general ranching responsibilities are, along with cattle husbandry, calving, irrigation, haying, maintaining machinery and equipment, stock wells, fencing, building maintenance, yard work to include mowing, trimming, and watering lawns. We like things to be tidy picked up and put away clean.

We would like you to take pride in the work you do and to be responsible. If you are not BAQ Certified, we will require you to become BAQ Certified.

We offer competitive pay, and health insurance.

A Resume and References are Required.

Please reach out to:

Richard Leavitt

Cell: 307-214-2200

email references to:

Posted 01-13-25
4059 visitors have viewed this ad

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