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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Colorado State University 48th Annual Bull and Female Sale

Seeking Ranch Job: Experienced Ranch Hand #192230
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Posted by: Lorna6136 [see other ads by this poster]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Exp. Cow Calf: 20+
Exp. Yearlings: 20+
Exp. FeedLot: 0
Exp. Horse: 20+
Exp. Roping: 15
Exp. Doctoring: 20+
Exp. Calving: 20+
Exp. Haying: 15
Room And Board: Required
Phone#: (307) 751-6696

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Hard working, seasoned ranch hand looking for a long-term rural position with housing in NM, TX, or AZ.

Experience in all types of cattle work including, but not limited to; moving, branding, freeze branding, calving, DNA, tattooing, grazing rotation. Also have extensive experience in haying, fencing, welding, equipment operation, light mechanic work, water lines and general building maintenance. I am also a licensed hunting guide in NM and would be willing to obtain same wherever we end up. Class A CDL up to 26,000.

For the RIGHT job, would consider Foreman/manager position over 1-2 others or couples position (full time for me, part time for her), or possibly a caretaker position.

We have two horses (one is a disabled mare that we want a colt out of), two dogs and a housecat. We are very clean and always leave a home better than we found it.

Excellent resume and references.

I will be honest with you. I won’t say I can do things that I can’t (however, I am always willing to learn), as I am looking for THE place we want to be.

What I don’t do: Shoe horses, work with colts, limited computer skills.

Please call (307) 751-6696 after 5pm MST or email to discuss or request a resume.
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