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Cattle for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

No Bull Callicrate Smart Bander Kit

Cows for Sale: 95 - Bred Black Angus Cows - Montana SOLD #191910
Posted by: morganzupan [see other ads by this poster]
Price: Contact for Price
City: Lewistown [see other ads in this city]
State: Montana [see other ads in this state]
Breed: Black Angus
Number for Sale: 95
Age: 2-9
Avg. Weight: 1,150-1,275 lbs
Frame: Moderate
Bred To: Reputation angus bulls
Vaccinations: Vira-shield, clean-up pour on, dewormed with Safeguard
Horns: None
Sell Part or All: Either
Phone #: 406-949-0299

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Rather than marketing heifer calves or bred heifers, we choose to develop our female cattle into proven producers. We calve our heifers and shape them into top-quality mother cows. This strategy allows us to offer a tried and true set of young cows each year.

-Mostly 3-5 year-old bred Black Angus commercial females

-All born and developed at home on the ranch

-Bred to reputation Angus Bulls

-Preg checked by veterinarian

-We require them to prove gentle dispositions and be easy to handle

-Structurally sound feet and moderate frame

-Fall vaccination program includes: Clean-up pour-on, Vira-shield, and dewormed with Safeguard

-Steer calf weaning weight in early October has been 680-700lbs

We have them organized by age group and calving date, so you can be certain what you are buying fits your program. The list of cow ages and calving start dates are below:

March 10th Calving Start Date

2’s coming 3’s: 18

3’s coming 4’s: 17

7’s coming 8’s: 6

8’s coming 9’s: 6

Total: 47

May 1st Calving Start Date

2’s coming 3’s: 18

3’s coming 4’s: 1

4’s coming 5’s: 8

5’s coming 6’s: 5

6’s coming 7’s: 7

7’s coming 8’s: 6

8’s coming 9’s: 3

Total: 48

Posted 01-05-25
2063 visitors have viewed this ad

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No Bull Callicrate Smart Bander Kit

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