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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Pasture For Lease: 700 Mother Cow Operation - Idaho SOLD #191807
Posted by: dmickelsen [see other ads by this poster]
Price: $375,000.00
City: Goldburg [see other ads in this city]
State: Idaho [see other ads in this state]
Pasture Location: Goldburg Idaho
Pasture Size: +-40,000
Carrying Capacity : 700 pairs
Pasture Fence Type: barbed wire
Forage Type: pasture and high mountain grasses
Water Type: creek
Date Available : immediately
Phone #: 208 709 7117

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We have decided to lease out our ranch in Central Idaho. There is room for 700 mother cows and sufficient land to raise hay for the winter. Ranch is comprised of 7 center pivots which make up about 900 acres. We also have government grazing which allows for 400 pair. The ranch raises great grass/alfalfa hay and if managed correctly will feed cattle until around the middle of January every year unless snow covers up the feed. Government allotment allows the cattle out middle of May then back home around the middle of October. Because of the extensive hay production, one can easily keep an additional 300 pairs at home under pivots. We have been running 2.75 yearlings per acre through the summer on the pivot ground. Either method of utilizing the pivot ground is OK. Grazing pairs or stockers. One could also limit his cows to 400 pairs and raise enough hay on the ranch to send a couple thousand tons to market. Lots of opportunity to pick your poison. Our corrals are state of the art with much of them constructed of drill stem. Loading and processing facilities are very functional.

Posted 12-30-24
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