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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Trailers for Sale: 2 horse slant load with Living Quarters SOLD #191806
Posted by: johnmark373 [see other ads by this poster]
Price: 20,000
City: Glen Rose [see other ads in this city]
State: Texas [see other ads in this state]
Make: Harmar
Model: Dixie Renegade
Year: 2020
Length: 15’

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For sale a 2020 Harmar Dixe Renegade

Standard Features

Living Area:

4’ Shortwall

9’ Longwall

Walk-thru Door to Horse Area

Front LQ Screen Door

Soft Touch Walls

Air Conditioner with Heat Strip

Roof Vent

Half Bench Seat


2.0 cu ft Refrigerator

Stainless Steel Microwave

Stainless Steel Sink


Porcelain Toilet with Sprayer

Fiberglass Shower with Curtain

Roof Vent with Fan

Tall Closet


20 gal Fresh Water Tank

20 gal Gray Water Tank

15 gal Black Water Tank

6 gal Water Heater

City Water Hook Up

Quick Antifreeze System


LP Tank

Battery with Shut Off

30 amp Converter

110 volt Power


Steel Frame / Aluminum Skin

Manual Jack

Spare Tire

30"x30" Windows

Lifetime Pressure Treated Wood Floors

5200# Axles

16" Tires

Horse Area:

Bridle Hooks

Rubber Mats on Floor

Lined and Insulated Walls

Padded Dividers

Swing Out Rear Tack

Roof Vents

Side Escape Door

40/60 Rear Door

Load Light


Outside Width: 7’

Inside Height: 7’ 6"

Box Length: 15’

Empty Weight: 5250 lbs

GVWR: 13,000

Some slight damage to fender on passenger side.

Email or Text for additional information and photos

Reasonable offers considered

Delivery available $3.50 per mile

I can accept cash, Cashiers check or loan draft check as forms of payment. Funds must be verified before transfer of vehicle and title

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