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Horses for Sale ~ Ranch Classifieds

Texas Bullion Exchange

Pasture For Lease: Pasture for lease near Moab, Utah #191759
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Posted by: Aspiring Cowboy [see other ads by this poster]
Price: Trade for labor to improve ranch infrastructure
City: Moab [see other ads in this city]
State: Utah [see other ads in this state]
Pasture Location: La Sal mountains
Pasture Size: 550 acres
Carrying Capacity : TBD
Pasture Fence Type: Barbed wire, electric
Forage Type: Grass
Water Type: Surface irrigated
Date Available : Immediately
Phone #: 801-563-4179

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Looking for a tenant/cattle owner to engage in a multi-year lease on my 550 acre ranch in the La Sal mountains east of Moab, Utah. Interested parties must subscribe to regenerative/rotational grazing practices as taught in Ranching for Profit. Ranch currently has one pivot irrigating ~115 acres with adequate water for additional pivot(s). Operator would update/maintain existing and install new infrastructure in exchange for AUM cost. As landlord I am looking to optimize the utility of my ranch using sustainable methods while enjoying the aesthetics of a well-run cattle operation on the land. Please contact Tobie Warner if you’d like to discuss further: 801-563-4179
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